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Google Cloud established new AI-oriented Translation Tools for business users

Google Cloud announced the launch of Translation Hub, a self-service translation tool supported by an AI agent, on October 11, 2022. The tool targeted at organisations and companies that have a global customers base. It makes translation of documents easier and better to manage which is ideal for business users. Here are some of the key features and benefits of the tool.

What Is Google Translation Hub ?

Translation Hub is Google’s AI self-service translation software for mostly business usage. Employees can upload documents to the Hub and select all the languages they want to be translated. The Hub will quickly output translations in each language together, and if the input is in Google Doc or Slide, PDF or Microsoft Word doc format, Translation Hub can even preserve the formatting of the original document.

Key features of Google Translation Hub

Before AI self-service translation became accessible, companies often outsource the process and waited weeks for the translated document. Self-service Translation Hub can ace the translation work in seconds.

1.Better efficiency

The tool supports up to 135 languages translation. With the help of the AI, a large volume of documents can be processed at once and the translation works can be done in just a few seconds. Compared to traditional human translators, which may take up to weeks to get back the translated products, Translation Hub served as a much more time-saving tools for business use.  

2.Preserve of original document format

Translation Hub allows direct translation of documents without changing its layout or format, such as spacing and images. User can just simply input the documents (Google Doc or Slide, PDF, or DOCX files), the tool will translate directly, at the same time preserving all those formatting. There is no need to extract the text out.

3.Easy management control

Not only does the tool give fast translation, it also allows human post-editing. A “human-in-the-loop” option let you edit and give feedback on the AI translation. Moreover, user can customise their own translation model, like saving a translation memory, such as, a list of glossaries/technical terms and even the tone used. The translation memory will be stored in the Cloud Storage and can be reused later.  

4.Better Accuracy

As translation memories edited by human can be saved, the AI can automatically learn from the data provided, for example, the writing style and the special terms used, the accuracy of translation will be increased as more data are inputted.

5.Reduced Cost

A more centralised translation system helps to reduce the administration cost brought by communications between companies and translators. As the translation work can be self-served by the tool, the operating cost can be greatly cut down.  

6.Reasonable Price

Translation Hub also charges at a reasonable price at a per-page basis. For basic generic translation, it costs 15 cents per page while as for more complicated translation that requires customisation, it can cost up to 50 cents per page.  




Admin controls through the Google Cloud console

PDF, DOCX, and PPTX translations

Google Docs and Slides

Translation templates

Glossary support

Translation memory

AutoML Translation models (custom models) support

Post-editing support for machine translated content

Machine translation quality prediction (MTQP) scores

Supports 100+ languages







Translation Hub is a professional cost-effective translation tool designed for business use. With advanced AI technology, translation work can be done in a fast pace. Thus, working efficiency can be significantly increased. With AI being the future mainstream, companies can take this chance to integrate AI technology into their business.

AI Google Google Cloud Translation Hub
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