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Blockchain & Web 3.0 with Solidity Programming

Web 3.0 is changing the game, be tech-enabled in 2022.

Does this sound like you in 2022?
Heard tech buzzwords like "Blockchain" and "Smart Contracts" and thought...
"Oh cool, but what do those terms really mean?"
Fear that you'll miss out on the Web 3 revolution and wonder...
"How can I tap into these technologies for my business?"
Wasted time looking into information from questionable sources...
"How do I lead my team, or even invest in these technologies? Where do I begin?"
Bootcamp Experience
✓ Certificate displayable on LinkedIn
✓ In-person or online
✓ 8 days, 2 hours daily

Blockchain - Technology For The Decentralised Future
Blockchain Fundamentals - Knowledge
Explore the backbone of Web3 as powered by the convergence of blockchain technologies. Uncover the fundamentals of this digital revolution by understanding the core components that are enabling larger scale industry disruptions. Grasp keywords such as decentralisation, distributed ledgers, and cryptography and how such concepts are being applied to everyday life.
JavaScript & Solidity Basics - Programming
Begin your programming journey by learning about JavaScript basics. Smoothly transition into the world of Solidity and create your very first smart contracts through hands-on coding sessions. Learn to upload your smart contracts onto the blockchain and view them using blockchain explorers.
Key learnings
Explore why the world needs blockchain technology
Learn how blockchain technology works under the hood and discover how Bitcoin uses blockchain to perform true peer to peer transactions
Understand and learn to have a balanced view of blockchain by learning about the drawbacks and limitations of the technology
Be able to program and deploy basic smart contracts onto a blockchain network
Why Use Blockchain Technology
Blockchain Distributed Ledger
Blockchain Cryptography
Blockchain Structure
Transaction Validation & Digital Signatures
Maintaining the Blockchain
The Role of Miners
The Longest Chain
Modifying the Blockchain
Blockchain Problems
Case Study
How does a company like Walmart utilise blockchain solutions to drastically improve supply chain efficiency?
Learn how Walmart leveraged the power of blockchain technology to reduce 70% of data inefficiencies across an immense supplier network and bolster their position as one of the world's leading companies.
Ready to get started?

Flexible Class Period: May to Aug (16 hrs per module)
Official Web3 training partner of HSBC, Meta, Law Society, Esquel & more
Program trusted by only the best tech players: MetaMask, Animoca Brands & Solana
The Preface Difference
Come for learning a skill.
Stay for the continual growth.
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