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 RTTP Reimbursement Guide

Preface Coding is now a recognised course provider under the Re-industrialisation and Technology Training Programme (RTTP) Sc****heme!

(Paid By Government)  2 : 1  (Paid By Enterprises)

That means when you are applying for our courses, the fee can now be covered by the RTTP 2:1 matching scheme, where companies can reimburse 2/3 of the course fee when their employees take our courses.

Our RTTP reimbursable courses include “Data Science and A.I.“, “Full Stack Web Development“, which allow you to either harness the power of data or be future-ready in all programming “stacks”!

How To Apply?

Step 1.

Please check with your company for the internal Personal-In-Charge in the company who deals with RTTP/ Government Funding related matters, confirm if your company currently has a RTTP account or not.

**▶ If Yes:**Your Company Already Has An RTTP Account

    • Enrol in one of our RTTP Approved Courses and then apply for the RTTP Training Grant at least 2 weeks before course commencement. (It takes roughly 2 weeks for course application)

▶ If No:

Your Company Does Not Own An RTTP Account

    • Please be expected to apply for RTTP Training Grant at least 3 weeks prior to course commencement. (It takes around 1 week for company account creation and roughly 2 weeks for course application)

    • Please remind your company to set up the RTTP account first at: 

Step 2.

Apply for RTTP the training grant via:

and search for “Preface”, then choose the preferred course.

Step 3.

A confirmation letter from the Secretariat will be received, and enjoy your lesson at Preface!

Required Document for the Registration

Required documents are required to be uploaded to the RTTP Online System as stated below:

    • A copy of the company’s valid Business Registration Certificate (for RTTP company account registration), and;

    • A copy of the Hong Kong Identify Card for each employee nominated for the training (for course enrolment at RTTP Online System

Other Useful Links:

RTTP – Frequently Asked Questions

RTTP – Guidance Notes for Companies

RTTP -Online System User Guide for Companies

RTTP – Pamphlet


What’s RTTP?

Re-industrialisation and Technology Training Programme (RTTP) is a Government Funding Scheme which aims to subsidise local companies for training their staff in advanced technologies.

How Can It Benefit Your Company?

    • HK$500,000 funding support for each enterprise in each financial year, enterprises can apply for the funding all year long.

    • Up to 66% of training cost fee reimbursement can be made.

What’s The Eligibility For RTTP?

    • Company registered in Hong Kong under the Business Registration Ordinance

    • Non-government and Non-subvented organisation

    • The employee nominated is a Hong Kong Permanent resident with the necessary background

How Can RTTP Benefit You?

That means our courses can now be covered by the RTTP 2:1 matching scheme, where companies can be reimbursed 2/3 of the course fee when employees take our courses.

Are All Courses Included?

Our key Adult courses including “Data Science and A.I.”, “Full Stack Web Development” are all included and recognised by RTTP as reimbursable courses.

What are the modes of funding?

Reimbursement with an option for 50% partial advance payment of training grant can be offeredbefore the completion of training courses to the funding recipient enterprises upon request. The other option is that the training grant can be offered after the completion of training courses which is the normal case.

 Wish to stay tuned with our latest projects and course offers? Follow our Instagram or Facebook for our latest news.  

#Adult #ThemedBlogs
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